
Posted by Shoham Zober on Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Well, Mike and I had a walk around Squirrel Hill today and it looks like we'll getting together again on Saturday- we still need a Bass player- so superfans let it be known that you are all welcome to try out this Saturday at Mike's.

I probably won't post tomorrow, as I am the judge of elections for the primary!

Sweet + Zober out...



Posted by Shoham Zober on Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Well, Mike and I had a walk around Squirrel Hill today and it looks like we'll getting together again on Saturday- we still need a Bass player- so superfans let it be known that you are all welcome to try out this Saturday at Mike's.

I probably won't post tomorrow, as I am the judge of elections for the primary!

Sweet + Zober out...




Posted by Shoham Zober on Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Well, Mike and I had a walk around Squirrel Hill today and it looks like we'll getting together again on Saturday- we still need a Bass player- so superfans let it be known that you are all welcome to try out this Saturday at Mike's.

I probably won't post tomorrow, as I am the judge of elections for the primary!

Sweet + Zober out...

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