
Posted by Shoham Zober on Thursday, July 23, 2009
Good day- I finally got a copy of "The Plight of Damascus" from Mike, and it sounds good!  I'll be working on my vocal track tomorrow.  I also printed up some free demos of our stuff today- plenty to go around, so if anybody wants one just email me @ shohamzober@hotmail.com  and I'll hand deliver a copy to you, if you are a reasponable distance away (within 3 miles) if not- if you can come and get it or pay postage consider it my gift to you!!!




Posted by Shoham Zober on Thursday, July 23, 2009
Good day- I finally got a copy of "The Plight of Damascus" from Mike, and it sounds good!  I'll be working on my vocal track tomorrow.  I also printed up some free demos of our stuff today- plenty to go around, so if anybody wants one just email me @ shohamzober@hotmail.com  and I'll hand deliver a copy to you, if you are a reasponable distance away (within 3 miles) if not- if you can come and get it or pay postage consider it my gift to you!!!





Posted by Shoham Zober on Thursday, July 23, 2009
Good day- I finally got a copy of "The Plight of Damascus" from Mike, and it sounds good!  I'll be working on my vocal track tomorrow.  I also printed up some free demos of our stuff today- plenty to go around, so if anybody wants one just email me @ shohamzober@hotmail.com  and I'll hand deliver a copy to you, if you are a reasponable distance away (within 3 miles) if not- if you can come and get it or pay postage consider it my gift to you!!!


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