
Posted by Shoham Zober on Sunday, August 9, 2009
A great day!

Apparently someone from Utah visited the site today!  That's awesome- our first visitor from Utah, and I think that it might have been a friend of a mormon friend of mine.  I also promoted the band to a few friends in person and online, so that is good news as well.




Posted by Shoham Zober on Sunday, August 9, 2009
A great day!

Apparently someone from Utah visited the site today!  That's awesome- our first visitor from Utah, and I think that it might have been a friend of a mormon friend of mine.  I also promoted the band to a few friends in person and online, so that is good news as well.





Posted by Shoham Zober on Sunday, August 9, 2009
A great day!

Apparently someone from Utah visited the site today!  That's awesome- our first visitor from Utah, and I think that it might have been a friend of a mormon friend of mine.  I also promoted the band to a few friends in person and online, so that is good news as well.


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