Awesome day! 6-19-09

Posted by Shoham Zober on Saturday, June 20, 2009

We worked with Dan Getkin today, and I hope that we work with him for some time to come ;) 
After all, it's good to take friends- but it's even better to... wait for it, wait for it super-fans.....



Awesome day! 6-19-09

Posted by Shoham Zober on Saturday, June 20, 2009

We worked with Dan Getkin today, and I hope that we work with him for some time to come ;) 
After all, it's good to take friends- but it's even better to... wait for it, wait for it super-fans.....




Awesome day! 6-19-09

Posted by Shoham Zober on Saturday, June 20, 2009

We worked with Dan Getkin today, and I hope that we work with him for some time to come ;) 
After all, it's good to take friends- but it's even better to... wait for it, wait for it super-fans.....


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